
Showing posts from September, 2019

Bragging Sheet

Life has taught me many things and throughout my 17 years of living on Earth i can safely say i still have a lot more to learn and master. From taking my first baby steps to speaking to coding a website these 17 years so far have taught me a lot of the basics and advanced necessitates of life.  Joining the CTE academy for Web Design i learned photoshop, illustrator, indesign, premier pro and dreamweaver. Also in the class i learned to write emails, resume and how to work in a real working environment. I learned to manipulate pictures and create new designs and explore a creative part of my brain. Here is a list of other small things i also know throughout my 17 years: Adobe- photoshop illustrator indesign premier pro dreamweaver Microsoft: word powerpoint brushing my teeth driving tying my own shoes skateboarding how to read and write counting speaking dual languages building a computer using a camera sleeping creating a simple web page using a credit c...

Blog Intro Senior Year

 My name is Jason Batista and I am 17 years old. I come from a Dominican household but was born in the United States. The school I attend is Information Technology High School and I am currently a Senior at Info Tech High School. The academy I am in is the CTE academy and Ive been part of this academy for 3 years.  My hobbies are usually just playing video games, hanging out with friends and skateboarding. I'm not sure yet what my dream is but hopefully I'll figure it out, but my goals are to graduate from high school with an Advanced Regents Diploma and get into a good college. So far the three years being part of this program has taught me a lot of new things a regular class wouldn't. Ive learned how to work as a community with others, how actual jobs are and act, how to code, how to write a resume and a lot more useful things for life.  The CTE academy prepares you for a great future ahead with all of the useful tips and hard work you have to put in to succeed.